Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Camera Trap Update: What's on the Pippin Camera?

The Pippin Camera

The Pippin camera was the final sponsored camera. The contribution for Pippin pushed our fundraising project over the top.  It is a white flash day/night color camera.  Although it has daytime video capability, we opted to keep it in photo mode for the duration of its term. 

Pippin cam took 540 photos and lasted from July, 22 to October 27.  This camera was moved near the end of our stay in July to a trail near the Mono Precioso camera. It bordered lowland pasture and was at the base of the mountain. 
Looking out, there is pasture beyond the lens and on the camera's right.  To the left and behind the camera is a gradual to steep incline up 200 meters.

We were very pleased with the clear images.
This agouti is is just one of the many critters that liked to cross the downed tree.

Here is our common opossum.
The tinamou.

The tinamou.

2 Tinamous.
Notice the time here. 4:27pm

In 32 minutes, a spider web is finished.
Great Curassow Hen

Great Curassow Hen

Great Curassow Hen

Great Curassow Hen
Originally, I thought this was a male Great Currasow.

Closer inspection yielded that it was a Black Vulture.
Here is the male Curassow.

Here is the male Curassow.

Another pass of the male Curassow.

Another pass of the male Curassow.
A Capuchin Monkey came for a visit.

A chubby Paca.

A chubby Paca.  Just one of many that wandered by.
This was one of several anteaters that passed by.

Tail markings help identify individuals.
Here's the 'barefooted' Crab Eating Raccoon.
See anything here?

A Green Iguana used this as his hangout for a while.
The Tayra was seen crossing this log many many times.

We even saw him once with a large male iguana in his mouth.

How about some cats:
We think this ocelot is a young one.

We think this is a young ocelot.
This is a different individual.

It has different neck stripes.
This is a big Ocelot. 

A closer look shows what looks like an injured front leg.
Here is another muscular ocelot.

This is a different individual from the one with the injury.
When we changed batteries, the Pippin cam went berserk.  It began to uncontrollably flash and not take any pictures.  It made a trip back to the USA and was sent off for warranty replacement.  Pippin has a surrogate camera snapping away while looking right at that fallen log that these animals enjoy visiting.

As the batteries ran down...we got a crazy rainbow shower. 
Update: March 14, 2014: The sponsor of this camera passed away yesterday at the age of 90.   Libby was a natural history enthusiast who was active in Audubon societies where ever she lived.  She worked with researcher John C. Lilly at his dolphin communications lab in Miami in the 1960's.  She also wrote several books on natural history. 
We got an email from her in early February saying how much she was enjoying the 'critter cam' updates.
Thanks, Libby, for supporting our project!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below.

Keep an eye out for reports from the remaining cameras as I'll be posting them over the next few weeks.  You can subscribe to the blog and get notified when I post, or you can check back when it is convenient.

Visit the Ocho Verde YouTube Page for other scintillating videos.

The technology exists to receive live(+ 3 minutes) text or email images from the new 2014 model cameras.  Contact me at OchoVerde@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in this type of project.

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